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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - single


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в соч.

to single out — выбирать

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  cream noun сливки к кофе SINGLE  1. adj.  1) один; единственный; одинокий; there is not a single one left - не осталось ни одного; a single eyeglass - монокль; single combat - единоборство; by instalments or in a single sum - в рассрочку или сразу всю сумму  2) одиночный, предназначенный для одного; single bed - односпальная кровать; single room - комната на одного человека  3) единый  4) годный в один конец (о билете)  5) одинокий; холостой; незамужняя  6) прямой, искренний; бесхитростный; безраздельный (о привязанности)  2. noun  1) партия (в теннисе, гольфе), в которой участвуют только два противника  2) билет в один конец  3. v. выбирать, отбирать (тж. single out); His book has been singled out for special praise. SINGLE bedroom комната с одной кроватью SINGLE blessedness joc. безбрачие, холостая жизнь SINGLE woman незамужняя женщина SINGLE tax единый земельный налог SINGLE track одноколейный путь; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. лицо, не состоящее в браке; холостяк; незамужняя young singles —- несемейная молодежь 2. разг. один доллар (бумажный) ten dollars in singles —- десять долларов бумажками в один доллар 3. проездной билет (в одном направлении) 4. номер, комната на одного 5. спорт. игра с участием двух противников; одиночный разряд 6. шахм. изолированная пешка 7. пластинка на 45 оборотов с записью одного популярного произведения на каждой стороне 8. единственный, один this beetle has a single pair of wings —- у этого жука одна пара крыльев I did not see a single flower —- я не видел ни единого цветка a single purpose —- единственная цель a man of single purpose —- целеустремленный человек single farrowing —- с-х. разовый опорос to take by single pieces —- брать по одному куску 9. одиночный; непарный; расположенный по одному; одинарный single file —- воен. колонна по одному single rank —- воен. (одна) шеренга to walk in single file —- идти гуськом a single eye-glass —- монокль articles sold single —- товары, продающиеся некомплектно 10. годный в одном направлении (о проездном билете) 11. отдельный; взятый в отдельности; обособленный each single fibre —- каждое отдельное волокно 12. с участием одного с каждой стороны (о схватке) single fight —- борьба один на один, единоборство a single game at tennis —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) одиночный 2) немахровый (о цветке) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) простой 2) единый – to single out SINGLE 1. прил. 1) единственный 2) единый 3) одиночный, единичный 4) одинокий • - articles sold single - single out - single prediction - single tax 2. прист. одно-, моно- - single-entry book-keeping ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) единичный 2) единственный 3) единый 4) одинарный 5) однократный 6) одноразовый 7) ординарный 8) отдельный 9) простой consisting of a single element — одноэлементный dopee a single crystal — вводить примесь в монокристалл function of single variable — функция одной переменной game with single experiment — игра с единичным испытанием grow a single crystal — выращивать монокристалл pull a single crystal — вытягивать монокристалл semicurtailed single sampling — полуусеченный однократный выбор single board computer — одноплатный компьютер, одноплатная ЭВМ single chip computer — однокристальная ЭВМ single deal frame — однопоставная лесорама single error detecting code — код с обнаружением одиночных ошибок single error detection — обнаружение одиночных ошибок single gate mold — форма с одним впускным литником single giant pulse — мощный одиночный импульс single mass point — материальная точка single operator transformer — однопостовой трансформатор single output automaton — автомат с одним выходом single pole filter — однозвенный фильтр single sample mean — среднее, определенное по одной выборке single sampling plan — план одноступенчатого выборочного контроля single sampling scheme — план однократного выборочного контроля single scale factor — единый масштабный множитель; единый масштабный коэффициент single sound track — многоканальная...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  единичный, одиночный ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) нефт. однотрубная свеча (бурильных труб), однотрубка 2) мн. ч. метал. листы, прокатанные в одиночку ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 one only, not double or multiple. 2 united or undivided. 3 a designed or suitable for one person (single room). b used or done by one person etc. or one set or pair. 4 one by itself; not one of several (a single tree). 5 regarded separately (every single thing). 6 not married. 7 Brit. (of a ticket) valid for an outward journey only, not for the return. 8 (with neg. or interrog.) even one; not to speak of more (did not see a single person). 9 (of a flower) having only one circle of petals. 10 lonely, unaided. 11 archaic free from duplicity, sincere, consistent, guileless, ingenuous. --n. 1 a single thing, or item in a series. 2 Brit. a single ticket. 3 a short pop record with one piece of music etc. on each side. 4 Cricket a hit for one run. 5 (usu. in pl.) a game with one player on each side. 6 an unmarried person (young singles). 7 sl. US a one-dollar note. --v.tr. (foll. by out) choose as an example or as distinguishable or to serve some purpose. Phrases and idioms single acrostic see ACROSTIC. single-acting (of an engine etc.) having pressure applied only to one side of the piston. single-breasted (of a coat etc.) having only one set of buttons and buttonholes, not overlapping. single combat a duel. single cream thin cream with a relatively low fat-content. single cut (of a file) with grooves cut in one direction only, not crossing. single-decker esp. Brit. a bus having only one deck. single entry a system of bookkeeping in which each transaction is entered in one account only. single file a line of people or things arranged one behind another. single-handed adv. 1 without help from another. 2 with one hand. --adj. 1 done etc. single-handed. 2 for one hand. single-handedly in a single-handed way. single-lens reflex denoting a reflex camera in which a single lens serves the film and the viewfinder. single-line with movement of traffic in only one direction at a time. single parent a person bringing up a child or children without a partner. singles bar a bar for single people seeking company. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English sengle, from Anglo-French, from Latin singulus one only; akin to Latin sem- one — more at same  Date: 14th century  1.  a. not married  b. of or relating to celibacy  2. unaccompanied by others ; lone, sole the ~ survivor of the disaster  3.  a.  (1) consisting of or having only one part, feature, or portion ~ consonants  (2) consisting of one as opposed to or in contrast with many ; uniform a ~ standard for men and women  (3) consisting of only one in number holds to a ~ ideal  b. having but one whorl of petals or ray flowers a ~ rose  4.  a. consisting of a separate unique whole ; individual every ~ citizen  b. of, relating to, or involving only one person  5.  a. frank, honest a ~ devotion  b. exclusively attentive an eye ~ to the truth  6. unbroken, undivided  7. having no equal or like ; singular  8. designed for the use of one person only a ~ room a ~ bed  II. noun  Date: 1604  1.  a. a separate individual person or thing  b. an unmarried person and especially one young and socially active — usually used in plural  c.  (1) a recording having one short tune on each side  (2) a music recording having two or more tracks that is shorter than a full-length album; also a song that is particularly popular independent of other songs on the same album or by the same artist  2. a base hit that allows the batter to reach first base  3.  a. plural a tennis match or similar game with one player on each side  b. a golf match between two players — usually used in plural  4. a room (as in a hotel) for one guest — compare double 7  III. verb  (~d; singling)  Date: 1628  transitive verb  1. to select or distinguish from a number or group — usually used with out  2.  a. to advance or score (a base runner) by a ~  b. to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a ~  intransitive verb to make a ~ in baseball SINGLE-ACTION  adjective  Date: 1900 of a revolver that can be cocked only by manually retracting the hammer ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (singles, singling, singled) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use single to emphasize that you are referring to one thing, and no more than one thing. A single shot rang out... Over six hundred people were wounded in a single day... She hadn’t uttered a single word. ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 2. You use single to indicate that you are considering something on its own and separately from other things like it. Every single house in town had been damaged... The Middle East is the world’s single most important source of oil. ADJ: det ADJ c darkgreen]emphasis 3. Someone who is single is not married. You can also use single to describe someone who does not have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Is it difficult being a single mother?... Gay men are now eligible to become foster parents whether they are single or have partners. ADJ 4. A single room is a room intended for one person to stay or live in. A single room at the Astir Hotel costs ?56 a night. ADJ: usu ADJ n • Single is also a noun. It’s ?65 for a single, ?98 for a double and ?120 for an entire suite. N-COUNT 5. A single bed is wide enough for one person to sleep in. ADJ: ADJ n 6. A single ticket is a ticket for a journey from one place to another but not back again. (BRIT) The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds. ? return ADJ: usu ADJ n • Single is also a noun. (in AM, use one-way) ...a Club Class single to Los Angeles. N-COUNT 7. A single or a CD single is a CD which has a few short songs on it. You can also refer to the main song on a CD as a single. The winners will get a chance to release their own single. N-COUNT 8. Singles is a game of tennis or badminton in which one player plays another. The plural singles can be used to refer to one or more of these matches. Boris Becker of Germany won the men’s singles... N-UNCOUNT 9. in single file: see file see also single- ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »ONE« only before noun only one  (A single tree gave shade from the sun. | They won the game by a single point. | Write your answer on a single sheet of paper. | not a single (=not even one))  (We didn't get a single reply to our advertisement.) 2 »SEPARATE« only before noun considered on its own  (the highest price ever paid for a single work of art | the single most/biggest/greatest etc)  (Cigarette smoking is the single most important cause of lung cancer. | The single biggest problem we face is apathy. | every single word/day etc)  (There's no need to write down every single word I say.) 3 »PEOPLE« a) not married  (changes in the tax rate for single people) b) not involved in a romantic relationship  (I never meet any attractive single men!)  (- see also single parent) 4 single bed/room etc meant for or used by one person only  (You have to pay extra for a single room.)  (- compare double1 (4)) 5 »NOT DOUBLE« having only one part, quality etc, as opposed to having two or more  (Use double, not single, thread to reinforce the seams. | A single flower has only one set of petals. | a single-sex school (=either for boys or for girls, but not both)) 6 »TICKET« BrE a single ticket etc is for a trip from one place to another but not back again; one­way  (- compare return3, - see also singly) ~2 n 1 a musical record that has only one short song on each side  (Have you heard their latest single?) 2 a) a single run2 (17) in cricket (2) b) a hit that allows the person who is hitting the ball to reach first base1 (8) in baseball1 (8) 3 singles a game, especially in tennis, played by one person against another  (I prefer singles - you get more exercise. | Who won the women's singles?)  (- compare doubles double2 (5)) | singles bar/club/night (=a bar, club etc intended for people who are not married or involved in a romantic relationship) 4 BrE a ticket for a trip from one place to another but not back again  (A single to Oxford, please.)  (- compare return2 (9)) 5 AmE a one dollar bill1 (3)  (Anybody...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  adult abbr. Stay Intoxicated Nightly, Get Laid Everyday adult abbr. Stay Intoxicated Nightly Get Laid Everyday ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: EVERY SINGLE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., "individual, unbroken, unmarried," from O.Fr. sengle "being one, separate," from L. singulus "one, individual, separate" (usually in pl. singuli "one by one"), from sim- (stem of simplus) + dim. suffix. Meaning "phonograph record with one song on each side" is from 1949. Meaning "unmarried person" is from 1964. Single-handed is first attested 1709. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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